In den Todestrakten Alabamas befinden sich derzeit fast 170 Gefangene, darunter auch fünf Frauen. Der Todestrakt der Männer befindet sich in den beiden Gefängnissen Holman und Donaldson, die Frauen sind im Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women untergebracht. Alle Exekutionen finden im Holman Correctional Facility Centre statt.
Anthony B.
My name is Anthony B. I was born in Tucson, Arizona. My birthday is September 5th, 1971.
I’m looking to write someone that’s open minded, honest, intelligent, understanding, caring and fun. This has been and will continue to be a long hard road I’m on but it would certainly help to have someone special in my life. I am a very open minded person. I do however understand the limitations I’m under – still, life is what we make of it, and I simply ask for a chance to become a part of your life.
My hobbies and interest vary so I’m sure we can find somethings in common. I just ask that you take the time to get to know me and allow me the chance to get to know you. Please, don’t judge me for where I am but get to know me for who I am.
Like I said before, I’m a very open minded person. I tend to speak my mind so, please be able to handle that from me and know that I will appreciate you speaking your mind to me as well. I also have a great sense of humor, or so I’ve been told (smile)
You can ask me anything, about anything, and at anytime….knowing you will get open and honest answers.
Since you’re reading this, it means the door to you world is halfway open and you know what you have to do now in order for me to come in (smile) I look forward to hearing from you.
Until then…take care!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Please, excuse me if I began to ramble
but, my life is in shambles
scattered, shattered…. my mind battered
Aubrey S.
I dream of a cloud free day on a beach… toes in the coolness of the ocean looking over into the eyes of someone who´s heart is as the same as mine. Knowing that the searce is finally over. Hand in hand step for step we walk in love.
I´ve learned that in all walks of life all is void until finally you meet the ONE meant to for you to love. “Fingers crossed”
I´ve been here on Alabama´s death row since 2011. Life and choices have left many scars. My past isn´t pretty but it paints a picture of redemption. A man who stood on a rug of having anything life was to offer but allowed drugs to pull it right out from under me. But with lose comes experience… Those who love the most are those who´ve lost the most. I want to know someone who isn´t afraid to be loved in the fullness of ones heart and soul. A day a season are a life time. I´m willing and wanting to love you.
Love has no boundary no limit.
My name is Aubrey. I´m 47 – born in Nov. I´m 5´11 185 lbs. very fit not that that matters. Blue eyes just like my mom. I´m very truthfull. An open book. Ask me anything. I love romance, little things that make´s the heart go boom!! (lol)
I´m hoping to hear from you. I love watching movies, long walks and conversation. Love the smell of bacon and brownies (lol) Bubble baths and kisses that are un-expected. My pass time is reading, playing chess and working-out… Oh yeah and lets not forget eating! Ha! Ha!
Hoping to hear from you soon. (E-Mails can be sent!)
Thanks for taking the time to read my ad!
Warmly, Aubrey
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Oktober 2022
Charlie W.
My name is Charlie W., and I’m presently on Alabama Death Row at Holman Facility located in Atmore, Alabama in the USA, since 2004.
I am 70 years old, but not as cantankerous as I look-SMILE. My parents did that to me-SMILE. I being much older than most here have lost all my friends and family over the years, and I’d appreciate a good friend, for I am alone.
My mother passed in 2008.
Thank You for considering me.
Stay Blessed.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: März 2018
Bobby P.
My name is Bobby.
I am currently on Deathrow in Alabama, USA.
I am a single white male 54 years of age never married, no children. Have been on deathrow 12 years now. I like the great outdoors, hiking hunting, fishing, camping. I enjoy reading and drawing. I’m not researching the legal issues of my case.
I am seeking a pen-friend that is willing to offer moral support, financial support and visitation if possible. I would prefer a female, but I will answer any and all who write. I would truly appreciate your time and efforts in this matter.
Thank you.
God bless you.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2018
Thomas L.
Hi There
My Name Is Thomas DOB 12/3/45 I Am Looking For You To Be A Friend To Me IF You Wood Like A True Friend Plese Wright or E-mail me Troug wayne verry At (?) subtet Like: Plese Post To Tommy Lane
Befor my Wife was murded I worked In The OiL Feald (?) as A Boat CaPtan And Dynamic Posituarig (?) oprator all over The world When I was Home I trained Dogs for a hobby to be serch and rescue Dogs. I Now have proof I Am Innocent If you wood like to Be Invoved Helping me Proving my Innocents I wood Like Your Help By Gathering me Info From the Internet And Contacting Peple For me or you Just can Be a True Friend to me so Plese wright or E-mail me soon
Thank You
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Gregory H. (A)
Hi, I’m Lance and I want to thank you for taking the time to read my ad for a pen pal ☺
I´m looking for someone to write and over time actually get to know personally, “not just a letter in the mail of small talk or updates on the weather.” Hehe…
My personality is upbeat and I like to be jokingly sarcastic and make others laugh, I don´t focus on negitive things. I do know a bit of German!
My hobbies at the moment are reading, writing, lifting weights, and studying. Please be yourself – our letters are a no Judgement Zone.
Hope to hear from you soon! ☺
Gregory “Lance” H.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Jimmy B.
Hi, my name is Jimmy and I´m seriously looking for a penpal that actually wants to get to know me, and allow themselves to be open. My hobbies are reading novels [fantasy, history, mystery, e.t.c.]. I had loved the outdoors. [Hiking, fishing, boating, e.t.c.]. I have more that I´m willing to share with whom wants to write and get to know me. I´m very open to genuine friendship, (possible) romance, and if willing also some financial help is welcome! 😉
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Letzte Aktualisierung: November 2021
Derrick D.
My name is Derrick, I am 33 years old, I am 5 feet 9 inches tall with Brown hair and brown eyes. I was hoping by writing this ad that I could possibly find a women to have a relationship with. Someone to share my life with. But if you just want to write as a friend thats fine to. A person could never have to many friends or people in there lives.
About me, I was raised in a rural area with lots of forest. I love being outdoors! I love to laugh and enjoy life. I concider my self as humble, down to earth, very positive person. I´m very social and love listening to people. I view life as half full and not half empty. I love helping and encouraging people around me to be the best person they can be and dont let life still your joy and peace, I love to laugh. I´m looking for someone to share those laughs with and to make laugh. I´m looking for someone I can talk to that will listen and for me to listen to in return with sincerity and thoughtfullness.
There so much more to say but I´m going to finish this ad saying that I hope that after you read this that you will throw your doubts into the wind and take a chance at writing me. You never know, I could be just what you have been looking for.
Always enjoy life,
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Christopher H.
I am an inspiring fiction writer who is looking for a friend who can help me with getting my novels out there for Publication.
You must be sincere, honest, trustworthy, and most important, understanding. Be real with me because I am going to be honest with you. I need someone who has a computer and knows how to type. I am looking for Anyone who can afford the time to actually correspond with me. I already have a two year contract with a Publishing Company, but its on stand-by for review. I am 45 years young, & have been on Death Row for 13 years. 11 of those years is how long I have been trying to get published.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: März 2018
Ronnie K.
Hi my name is Ronnie. I been on death row for more then 15 years. I have 2 grown girls and one grand baby she is 2. I like read books work out and watching a good movie. I am looking for love with a female. We can start as friends first. I am 5,11 215. Thank you and have a bless day.
Ronnie K.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Bill Kuenzel ist am 19. Februar 2022 auf der Krankenstation des Gefängnisses in Alabama an seiner Krebserkrankung gestorben. Sein Brieffreundschaftsgesuch lassen wir vorerst als Nachruf hier stehen. Unser Mitgefühl gilt seinen Angehörigen und Freunden.
Bill K.
Greetings, my name is Bill a white male 59 years old
I have been on death row for 33 years. You may hear many people say they are innocent but you can read about me at
I have recenty been diagonased with colon cancer. I am in stage 4. But still feel blessed. I would prefer a woman to write, but anyone can become a friend.
Am not sure what type of a Relationship I could ask for as I really dont know how long I have.
But believe any time with a friend is a blessing and a Joy.
Hope to hear from you soon
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Chris B.
HELLO, I am Christopher B.. I am 48 years old, born august 19, 1969 in Montgomery, Alabama. I have been on death row since 1992. I know it is a long time. I am looking for a friend. Someone willing to write regularly, and build a great friendship. I do not care what race, or sex, or religious beliefs, anyone can feel welcome to correspond.
I appreciate, and enjoy communicating in an open, and honest way with anyone. So if interested, Please write me, and let’s see what happens. Just a few things about me to get you interested. I spend most of my time reading fantasy, horror, and sci-fi but mostly any good book will do. I also like draw when inspired. I listen to hard rock / heavy metal music mostly from the 70’s and 80’s, and some newer stuff too.
Hope to hear from you soon, and thank you for your time.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: März 2018
John D.
My name is John.
Brown hair, blue eyes, seven tatts
I have been on Alabama Death Row for six years now. I am single.
DOB 10-21-83
I am study to be a preacher, I play chess I listen to music, I was a pro wrestler when I was free.
Thank you
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Rex B.
Hello Friend:
I am Rex B., and Thank You for taking the time to view my profile. I hope, and pray life is treating you well.
I’m a humble Father of one very Precious daughter.
I love nature, and being outdoors. I love animals, especially horses. I grew up on a small farm. I value God & Family.
My hobbies are working out and reading, as well as enjoy music, especially country & gospel.
Please know I’m sincerely hoping to find a real friend through writing. If you believe me worthy of your friendship, know I’ll welcome you with all my heart.
Thank you.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: März 2018
Michael M.
Are you looking for someone who listens, who can carry a good conversation, and will absolutely never take you for granted? How about someone who really cares about what you think, what you feel, and what you desire? If so, you need to meet me.
Hi, I’m Michael and it’s my belief that few things in life are more valuable than a loyal friend.
Yes, I’m an inmate, but I’m not looking to scam anyone or be scamed myself. I’m just tired. Tired of being alone, tired of doing without, and tired of no mail.
I’m looking for a compassionate, giving person who isn’t afraid to offer their time and aid to someone who has nothing to contribute but himself. However, by choosing me, you get someone who has nothing to contribute but himself. However, by choosing me, you get someone who’s prompt in answering your letters, will treat your friendship with care, and will always appreciate anything you do for me.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2019
Benjamin Y.
My name is Benjamin Y. and I am currently on Death Row in Alabama. I’m looking for a female or male penpal to help me pass time.
I am originally from Florence, Alabama and I am 31 years old. My birthday is August 12th and I am a Leo. I love read books, mainly 07 the miystery or Horror Genre. Although I do indulge in some fantasy whenever I find a novel or a series that catches my interest.
I am a HUGE horror movie fanatic. I also like comedies. I am a big “Rick and Morty” fan also. Yes, it’s a cartoon (but it’s a fact that you have to have a large IQ to really understand it.) I also like the Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, Mr. Pickles and just about anything on the History Channel.
I love to learn and I believe that knowledge is power. I find every opportunity to find things that interest me and I learn what I can about them.
I am especially interested about life in other countries and I look forward to finding a penpal that is just as interested in me as I am in them.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2019
David R.
here is a little about me. I am 53 years old, and have been on death row in Alabama since 1994.
I love to make friends and learn about different cultures and beliefs.
I used to be an active, outdoor type person. And grew up in rural Alabama, in the country. There was a lot of woods and a lot of exploring in my youth.
I love all animals, but especially dogs.
Now, I spend most of my time in reading, writing and inventing.
I am currently in the process of writing a fiction novel, and trying to get a new game I invented copywrited and sold.
I read my Bible a lot, but different philosophies as well.
I have never been married, and never had any children. But I love children and being around them.
Anyone who would like to write to me I would greatly appreciate their letters, and respond quickly.
And no, I do not believe in the Death Penalty for anyone!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Dezember 2020
Brett Y.
My name is Brett Y. I´m 53 years old, 5´11, 240 lbs. I have brown hair, hazel eyes. I like going on walks, listen to music, reading books. I would write to male oder female, it doesn´t matter.
Right now my lawyers are working on my federal appeals. I don´t know how much time I have left. I would really like to write to someone that could share their life with me and let me know whats going on in the world.
Thank you.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Jessie P.
Greeting and Salutations, “or just Hello“.
My name is Jessie. I´m from Gagsgen Al im 41 yrs old. Im looking for a penfriend that´s open minded, intelligent and caring. My hobbies and interest vary so finding something in common will be easy.
My top 3 are reading, playin chess and history. This is a first for me so i really don´t know what to say. If you need to know more about me just write and ask.
Jessie P
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Michael P.
Hello, how are you doing? As my words come into your mind, it is my greatest hope and desire that you are at peace and receiving all of the many wonderful gifts and blessings that life could possibly have to offer one as yourself.
I am Michael, a 6 Feet tall, 190 pounds, slim muscular build Black guy from America (U.S.A.) whose just simply writing to reach out and hopefully discover someone that would enjoy becoming a pen pal with me in a sincere and genuine process of communication where a mutual and meaningful degree of conversation can be expressed and experienced between us.
First and foremost, i am a firm believer and practitioner of truth and honesty because throughout the course of my own life, experiences have taught me that truth and honesty have a way of preventing and eliminating a lot of problems, difficulties, and problems which established me in the belief that the world is Already too full of enough sad human drama for me to add any more to it.
Although the basis of who i am is a serious minded type of guy, i am as well a fun loving person who enjoys joking around and being silly because i believe myself and others deserve some good humor whether they agree or not.
I think and feel that the most dominant element of my character and mentality is that i strive to be different from most guys. In what way? I strive to be consistent in EVERYTHING that i do which makes me consistently dependable, consistently loyal to friends and family, consistently a good listener, consistently never satisfied with the surface of anything and consistently considerate towards others. All of which in my thinking makes me the ultimate total package guy whose drastically different from other guys in ways that really matter and in ways that give me a more quality inner substance of mind and heart, where As the average guy is only an empty symbol of a man without the necessary true inner essence that is a must in oder to make manhood a true and complete reality in their lives.
Would that be some type of inflated and self exaggerated ego that makes me think, feel and believe that i am better than someone? Of course not, it´s just a true expression of how i am different.
I am a non-judgemental person. I don´t expect anything from anyone except that they be themselves and give me a chance to enjoy and appreciate the differences between me and them, because in my mind, i believe strongly that it is differences that add a variety to thing and give a variety twist to the things to be experienced and exposed to.
I was born on November 25th and i am a automobile interior designer (automobile Upholsterer) which is my passion in life. I love to create my own designs. I did own my own automobile interior design business that was named „little Bad Boyz“ and somewhere in the future, i aim to reopen it because it was a successful business venture.
I have pictures of it all and hopefully i can share them with you, if you choose to respond to me and begin a pen pal communication with me.
I don´t really enjoy talking about myself although i am very expressive. I usually like for my life´s actions to speak for me and about me. Yes, i am truly a man of action.
Don´t get me wrong, i am a guy who definitely enjoys meaningful conversations between myself and someone else where dreams, hopes, ideas and thoughts are mutually exchanged and shared from the deeper stance of sharing the benefits and good qualities of our minds and hearts that life experiences helped shape within us so that we could become better and improved persons for self and others whose lives may be in need of that difference and the quality inner elements of mind and heart.
If my words have reached out and touched your mind in any way, please don´t hesitate to respond.
Sincerely, Michael
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Letzte Aktualisierung: November 2021
Gregory H. (B)
Dear Friends.
My name is Greg, and I have been incarcerated on Death Row since 1990.
I am young at heart and energetic. My favorate color is purple, and I prefer dogs over cats?
I enjoy volleyball and basketball for ecercises, and my favorate mudic is gospel though i love the oldies type rick-n-roll.
I was born in Tourist city called Miami, Florida located far southeast of USA. It’s a city of every nationality of people from many countries. My favorate food is simply homestyle cooking, and a nice cold beer.
I also encourage men here to prepare for a future, not death and guide some to rehabilitate so once they get a break, they’ll be able to enjoy a life of love, laughter and peace.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Dezember 2021
Willie S.
Hey! I´m Willie Earl, a 41-year-old African-American currently being held hostage on America´s death row, in the southern state of Alabama.
Heavily maligned and discriminated against for much of my life, I am an artist and a poet, among other things, who´s known my fair share of struggle – more than most actually, having losta fiance from covid in 2020, and with her a small fortune. Yet, be that as it may, I´ve began to recapture my creativity as well as my concentration, and I believe that with the right If you´re a real enough woman and this doesn´t scare you and you want a friend or a man not acout games, with whom you can build something, then please drop me a line because I´m your guy.
Willie Earl S.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Dezember 2021
Albert M.
To someone special
My name is Albert M. III. I´m 54, 6 feet 3 inches, 245 pounds. They call me „Big Mack“ because of my size and muscles.
I´m looking to write a smart, confident woman. Age doesn´t matter. I´m an artist and I like reading. I don´t know how much time I have left on this planet, a year, a 100 years, I just want to spend some time with that special someone, to breathe as one when our hearts are in sync – bump, bump. I´ll like to feel that again.
Albert M.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Januar 2022
Michael I.
Bio –
Name: Michael D. I.
Age: m / 34
D. O. B. : July 14th 1987
Height: 5´´ 10
Weight: 170
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Hello to whom it may concern. How are you?
I hope good and in the best of health. My name is Michael D. I. I am a white male, age 34 looking for a female pen-pal. I am currently at Holman Correctional facility on Death Row. I arrived ob Dec 2nd 2021. I am from Birmingham Alabama but got my case out of St. Clair County. I built houses and ran heavy machinery for a living. I have few family members left and its getting lonely at times. I enjoy watching sports and working out. I have taking good care of myself mentally and physically. I don´t look my age, I like to read books and study history. I am keeping hope alive on being free. I am a GOD fearing man and stay in church and Bible study. Even though I`m here on Death Row my lord has blessed me in so many way´s and has given me the strength to walk with my head held high. I would greatly appriciate having a pen-pal to lend an ear.
Michael I.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: April 2022
Brandon S.
Hello, my friends call me „Sykes” and I´m 40 years old. Please allow me to thank you for taking time to read my ad! I´m looking for a pen-pal who is okay with in being able to open-up and allow me to get to really know them just as I do the same. Ok here are a few things about myself. My hobbies are play basketball, chess, reading, watching college football and listen to music. My personality is friendly, open minded, curious, and I like to have fun. Please feel free to be yourself and don´t be afraid to ask me anything. Hope to hear from you soon!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2022
Donnie A.
My name is Donnie A.
I am a 45 year old white male, 6 foot tall, 230 in weight, graing hair. Things I like “to do” oder “use to”:
I did like going to the beach at night for a walk, like reading a good book by a fire!
I love to watch heart felt movies or love stories.
I have 2 girls and 3 grand kids that i love more than life!!
I am single never been marries but i wish i could have been marries to some one wonderful!!
I am looking for a lady pen pal to talk with and maybe find that we could be the best of friends or more.
I will go for now.
Your friend
Donnie A.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2022
Mike C.
Hi, I´m 64 yrs old, 6 foot tall, a white male and solid build. I´m interested in a pen friend that is solid and consistent in their habits. If you play games – choose someone else. If you want a loyal friend or more, write me. Hope to hear from you as I´ve been on Death Row since December of 2003.
Best wishes,
Mike C.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juli 2022
Oscar Roy D.
Hello! My name is Oscar Roy, I´m 41 years old w/m. I read books, draw, play volleyball, and play as much scrabble as I can in here. Even though I keep myself busy, I´d enjoy a serious friendship that is not one way, so if it´s not a two way friendship, I don´t want it. I try to be upbet and positive in my life and letters and that is what I´m looking for in a pen-friend. If you feel like you like to know more about me and allow me to know you then please contact me.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: September 2022
Nicholas S.
Hi. My name´s Nick. I´m 33 and been on Death Row for 10 years. I haven´t had much communication with the outside world so I decided to take this opportunity to make a new friend. And, since you´re reading this, I guess you´d like to know a little bit about me.
Well, for starters, I´m really down to earth but I´m also very spiritual. I practice and teach mindfulness, meditation and Yoga in here. In my spare time I enjoy reading, watching movies, playing video games, listening to a variety of music, or just hanging out and having a good time. I also love to learn so I listen to podcasts and, this week, I´ll be starting a class to learn German. It´s probably safe to say I´m a bit of a nerd.
There´s so much I could share about me but I´m not sure what you´d like to know so feel free to ask me anything. I´m an open book. I´m looking forward to hearing from you and getting to know each other.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: September 2022
James O.
Hello my name is James aka Taz, allow me to first say Thank you for taking time to look at & read my ad for a pen-pal. I am looking for someone to write & get to know on a personal level as a friend, and who wants the same. I am 53 yrs. old, 5´5´´, 156 lbs. Brown hair, hazel green eyes. I like reading, drawing, and getting to know people, and making them smile & laugh. I hope to hear from you soon.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2023
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