Seit der Wiedereinführung der Todesstrafe im Jahr 1976 wurden in Georgia über 70 Hinrichtungen durchgeführt. Derzeit befinden sich knapp 40 männliche Gefangene im Todestrakt in Jackson.
Frederick W.
Want to start w/ (with) thank all of you who reach inside – Namaste, Hola, Hello how’s you going? Frederick but you can call me Freddy. Fred (which I least prefer, but will ride w/ if you like)
Im a *child Gemini! Highly socialable and a great communicator. Im open-minded, intelligent out going, High energy! Always smiling, very cool, very funny (very unique). Im a heterosexual, metrosexual (do they still use this term) that is also an Diplomate certainly not standard, I love fashion, Im Im expressure w/ my emotions and * w/ my balances Im into self-improvement, realism, Im bery active into fitness and appearance. My * opposite is * w/solitude, I need/write poetry. Ive reading a * of subjects, but if I had to pick one Im all about SELF -being true, *, uplifting to self, so that I may find embrace and radiate that of me that is of the High * and Highest me, so that I may be an unforgettable and positively impacting prescence if * on any level.
P.S. You may try to contact via text (e-mail) at Send an e-mail if like and a prepaid stamped envelope so I may repsond. But you can also send a snail-mail – oh yeah the e-mails often take days to * and get out (yeah I know this sucks). But hey gotta work w/ what we have. So hope to hear from you soon.
Leaving you in hopes of: health, light, empathy and *
* manche Worte in Fredericks Inserat waren nicht einfach so entzifferbar. In einer Brieffreundschaft hat man aber Zeit sich an die Handschrift zu gewöhnen und am Ende alle Buchstaben entziffern zu können.
Wenn Sie diesem Gefangenen schreiben möchten, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an und fordern Sie seine Adresse bei uns an.
Letzte Aktualisierung: Februar 2019
Demetrius W.
My name is Demetrius.
I’ve been incarcerated here in Georgia on Death Row for 8 years nearly 9 yrs. I’m in search of friendship through correspondence to whom is intrested.
Let me tell you a little about me for reference. I was raised on the West coast, San Diego, CA and my family is Originally from Mississippi, were I too was born.
I’m 41 years old african american, I have 3 daughters that I truly love and adore.
“My concept” – treat people with love and respect and always have empathy for others as well. We’re all human, and you never know what’s someone elses story is everyone has one!”
By that being said I’m ready to share my story to whom is intrested.
May your day be great and your journey be full of peace.
Sincerly, Demetrius
Wenn Sie diesem Gefangenen schreiben möchten, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an und fordern Sie seine Adresse bei uns an.
Letzte Aktualisierung: Oktober 2018
Pablo M.
Hallo mein Freund,
may my words find you in the best of spirit, but certainly in the best of health on this uncertaint times. My name is Pablo F. M., the “F” stand for fun, funny & flattering. Please shhh, don´t tell nobody, for those are my super powers. I am 37 years old. I am a writer, poet, lover of life & humanity; A theoretical physicist-amateur for now, whom has self educated itself in physics & astrophysics.
My life consists of a discipline routine, in where I make every hour of my life count while putting meaning behind it. For things that makes no difference I become indifferent to, as I´ve learnt that what truly matters are others; for everything in existence was made or created for other than self & I am -we are not the exception.
The following is a poem of my state of mind & being:
The great secret
Infinite light, the source of love´s energy-god´s truest of nature, the perfect one, oh universe. Turned into you & I, the highest expression of her majestic arrival, the cosmos that lies in us all. How sweet & tender is to know that we are god´s playful kids, the universe creation of her own consciousness…
Without wax,
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Februar 2024
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