Texas ist der Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten, der die meisten Hinrichtungen durchführt. Derzeit befinden sich etwa 180 Menschen in texanischen Todestrakten, hiervon etwa ein halbes Dutzend Frauen. Der Todestrakt für Männer befindet sich in der Polunsky-Unit in Livingston, für Frauen in Gatesville.
Julius M.
My name is Julius J. M. 46 years of age, who is currently on Texas Death Row, looking to establish a potential friendship with open-minded men/women.
What I bring to that friendship is personal experience, humor, and an easy going outlook on life. It is important to me to be the truth of myself and permit the same to all who answer this profile. I believe that is all we’re looking for in life to therefore develop more enduring quality to our lives and connections.!It would truly interest me to correspond with anyone that would like a sincere, honest, and caring person to correspond with. I have been told that I am energetic and spontaneous and can read between the lines by my close friends. I have in depth conversations of substance with them and I would like to do the same with you.
I like to exercise, read educational and academic material and I love alternative rock music. I have currently self-published my book entitled „The Capacity for Spiritual Connection“, it isn’t my last however. It is available on Amazon and in digital form. If you are interested you can set up an account with me to electronically correspond at: www.Securustech.net. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours in Sincerity,
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Dezember 2024
Layers of Imperfection
Layers of imperfections are such complexities that tend to blind the psyche, and make any person more prone to focusing on what they see as an inconsistency- an issue in their lives. They base all of their emotional problems an these layers of imperfections.
The bad thing about this is they keep that person from seeing how well-balanced they actually are. The actually make us more effective in the areas of our lives that we most need. They benefit our personality most handsomely. There`s something to be said about blindness to one`s perfections: they make you more pursue them unconsciously.
To you, they are external; because you reflect the outside world in your psyche. The funny thing about this is that you`re seeing imperfections while the world is seeing perfections. As with all layered personalities: one will find it has more structure, that is consistent with that complexity it serves. Perfection is the pulling back of all imperfections or the correction thereof.
Imperfections are the total opposite: it is the dissatisfaction and the finding of some fault when there is no fault.
One can become self-absorbed to the point you feel you personally don`t add up. Adding up is always outward, it is what we have to amount to, what we must see through the eyes of others. This actually the basic principle or standard of living that we`ve evolved from and further into.
Written by: Julius J. M.
Julius` Poem
Seeing you face-to-face
At the moment you first corresponded
Thoughts caressed my mind
Like the gentle hands of a friend,
Lover or confidante-
I was stimulated by visions of you.
They came as inspiration to my delight
moments of encouragement when down
And they brought strength and warmth,
to motivate me in my weakened moments.
They penetrated my mind with visions
and words full of meaning.
Your letters painting a perfect image
in my mind of seeing you face-to-face.
Written by: Julius J. M.
Charles F.
Hello! My name is Charles and I’m a positive, optimistic, joy filled guy who hapens to be on Texas death row for a crime I did not commit!
I’m looking for a friend to share thoughts, likes, intrests, experiences and lots of smile and laughter with.
INTRESTS: I love animals Horses, dogs, cats, birds, fish and turtles are my favorites. I love music – Rock,R&B, pop, country, and rap. If it fits my mood I’ll listen to it. I also enjoy books, and reading, NFL football and World Cup Level football/soccer.
I love corresponding, meeting new friends and learning all about them. I know how important it is to have a true friend to count on and talk to. I always try to be that to everyone who comes in my life and I hope to find the same kind of friend in return. Being a death row prisoner that’s a victim of an injustice has taught me to live each day to the fullest, give my best effort in all I do, and to be kind to others as kindness and compassion are my creed. In 2016, I was six days away from being executed. Since then, new evidence has been discovered that proves my innocence. This has resulted in a complete reversal of my fortunes. After twenty plus years of incarceration, I look foreward to winning my freedom soon!
Want to hear more? Write me a letter! Send a photo of yourself so I can see you when I reply. Thanks.
For a quick response please use jpay.com to write. I can’t reply in a email but will airmail you a response right away.
Jmail.cc works great too! Hope to hear from you soon!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Irving D.
My name is Irving D. I´m looking for friends who believe in the power of saying yes. Who are looking to invest in a life worth the time to find. I´m looking for help in whatever form that takes. I´m looking to help others in any positive way I can. I´m looking for a friend and the potential for true exchange.
I´m looking for access to the world. I want to live outside of this place. To shine clearly, not merely not barely. Light looking for light. It´s what I fight for.
Basically I´m looking for everything that has possibilities.
Embrace Change, Stay Connected, Stay Golden
Irving D.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2021
Mabry L.
My name is Mabry L. – seeing as I caught hell growing up with that name – lol!, I went by the name known by my family and friends: Tre. I´m a father of three. I have a son and two daughters who´re my pride and joy and keep me youthful at 42 years old.
Right now I´m on my fifteenth year of incarceration. On top of the obvious hardship of my situation (death row), I´ve been through a lot in those years. I´ve seen it all seemingly, with true lies from people I had the utmost trust in to disappearing acts my loved ones, which only proved to have made my time in solitary confinement that much more interesting. My hope keeps me sane though – my focus on the only fight that matters: the fight for my freedom.
What I hope for is companionship, as well as support, in my journey to regain my freedom. A confidant – a shoulder to lean on. I look for this woman. Simply because, but not solely, of the fact that I´, surrounded by men constantly. I love a woman´s perspective and of course her presence. A true, open-minded woman who can appreciate her mirror in a man on that level.
In this cage companionship is essential – on the other side of that coin toxicity can be detrimental. So, I look for that woman who will pack fair – from her conversation to her ways. A woman who´ll converse to gain understanding and not win a debate… a sense of humor won´t hurt either. (smile)
If these words align with the way you move, I hope you will give me a shot and see what we can build. I look forward to hearing from you. Securus tech (Securustech.net) is the fastest form of communication. It will allow same day response, but know that any way you choose to write is fine. I look forward to hearing from you either way. Take care. Peace!
John R.
Hey what’s up, how’s it going? Good I hope: Let me begin by apologizing for my terrible handwriting! It all goes back to an old thumb Wrestling injury. I was defending my title in a Championship match when I went in for the game winning pin…& then the worse possible thing that can happen…did happen! I got a cramp! So there’s my poor little member (no pun intended) about to go in for a bone breaking tendon tearing game winning pin & BAM, I get a cramp! (Sigh) I was devastated, I couldn’t even text anybody. I had to actually CALL People…(GASP!)…I know, shocking huh? Nah, I’m just kidding.
What really happened was what’s commonly referred to as the „Great Ping-Pong Debacle of ’03“. So there I was at Nationals & the score is 20-19 my way & it’s the final match too. It was my serve & this is for the game winning point, so I back my super deluxe limited edition pro series paddle up for the serve. It is of course all decked out w/ all These Little decal Stickers from all my sponsors. There’s Crisco cooking lard which I use to lube up my Hand for easy transitioning from holding the paddle from the overhand position to the underhand position. Also there’s Harley Davidson which is who provides me w/ my fingerless gloves for optimal gripping of the paddle. There’s many others but it’ll take too long to describe them all.
So back to that I was saying…travelling at approx..00000015 MPH (because everything goes into slo-mo at this point) I swing the paddle at Mack 3 Speeds which of course breaks the sound barrier w/ a resounding sonic BOOM! I see in my peripheral vision as the crowd flinches from the thunder clap of the sonic boom & allow myself a brief smile as if to say „That’s right, Superman ain’t got nothing on me!“ The ball flies over the table, hits my side & skims over the net, touches down on my opponents side & is about a foot away flying into the crowd & taking out an eye or lodging into someones unguarded nostril. So of course I did what any red-blooded American who’s on the cusp of glory & is hopped up on Redbull & No-Doz would’ve done. I break into my victory dance! Which is a mixture between the tootsie roll/Butterfly/stanky leg/new jack swing & a lil bit of cumbia to honor my latino roots.
Now keep in mind this is all Happening in a split second.So there I am grooving getting down like James Brown…which basically looks like I’m choking on something while having a heart attack & trying to air away a fart! Totally awesome victory dance, huh? I know I know…(shoulder shrug)! Then I notice something…my opponents hand is mere inches away from intercepting my super sonic Mack 3 mini asteroid of a ping-pong ball. (GASP!) What could I do? I did the only thing I could do….right in the middle of a 1/2 slide stanky tootsie butterfly roll… I lurched forward which unceremoniously racked the family jewels against the table causing me to bring up my hand in the path of least resistance. As my hand smashes against the bottom edge of the table, causing me to drop my much coveted paddle…(sigh) … I immediately look up to see my opponent has parried my serve & w/ no paddle in hand I watch in a state of shock as it zooms right past me! The ping-pong world was never the same again & I was „black-balled“ (literally they sent me a ball painted black to get their point across). So yeah please excuse my bad handwriting huh?
Wait till you hear how I got my hunch-back or my peg-leg….hahaha… Anywho, if you’re interested in journeying on a little friendship w/ me then hit me back, just a chat. Maybe we can shed some light in the dark & put some smiles between the frowns & just generally clown around.
I’m trying to LIVE, LAUGH & LOVE…in that order. I stay listening to music, write poetry & read fantasy novels like a total nerd…but of course I am completely & chaotically cool! So introduce me to your world & I’ll introduce you to mine. While shaking off the shade & continuing to throw shine! I won’t say goodbye, instead I’ll say „Until next time“ … so QUICK, HURRY, pick up the pen & drop me a few lines. MUCH LOVE…GOD BLESS…
your loving friend in waiting,
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2018
Arturo A.
my name is arturo and my reason is that i am trying to find pen pal hope you understand my reason okay
i am 73 year old in may 12 2021 and it getting long´ly in death row yes i been in death row since 1979 and my family had pass away my parents 4 brothers & 2 sisters and it sure sad. those that lost love one understand.
But when you in death row it sure wors.t yes i got other family they got there own life.
i was born in san antonio. Texas may 12 1948 we were a large familys 8 brothers and 9 sisters by the same parents.
i hope there some one that is willing to be my pen pal and i thank you very much
con todo mi respeto.
Ps yes i am mexicano i learnd how to read write english in death row by death row inmate.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Achtung: Moises hat einen Hinrichtungstermin für den 23. April 2025!
Moises M.
Hello, My name is Moises M., my birthday is January 26, 1984.
I´ve been on death row, in Texas, since 2005. I´m interested in reading fantasy fiction, historical fiction, arts and crafts and Music. I love Rock but have come to love all genres of music.
Death row isn´t the greatest place, but it could always be worse. I believe you can not get so hung up on where you want to be that you forget to make the most of where you are at today.
I speak and write in English and Spanish. I was born in Mexico and believe that my Mexican heritage is like seasoning on a steak: It does not change the nature of the meat; it just gives it more flavor. :0)
I am not looking for an romantic relationship. I´m looking to correspond with any male or female of any age who wants to look on the bright side of things with me. I believe I have a great sense of humor, but I will let you be the judge of that. I´m looking forward to hearing from you.
In Solidarity, Moises
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Damon M.
hopefully these words are finding you in the best possible health and spirits, as you are living your best life! My name is Damon and I am a 36 year old death row inmate who was born in raised in Houston, Texas. This fortunately makes me an unapologetically biased devotee of it three major sports franchises the Houston Texans, Rockets and the World Champion Astro´s!
Sports along with music have always provided me an outlet to not only vent the pressures of my existance but a conduit of expression as a means of coping with the disappointment and losses in my life. Fortunately I was bless with a ferverent will to preserve against any adversity designed to break me, smiting my soul.
I am in search of a pen-pal…someone who has a sincere desire to befriend me building a diamond-coated bond. Someone who enjoys indepth conversation´s, laughter, sincerity and feelings of appreciation. I am very straight-forward and open individual who welcomes honest conversation a bridge to better understanding. Feel free to ask any question´s you may have no topic is taboo.
I want to thank in advance for taking the time to consider my word´s. I am hopeful something I have expressed has sparked an ember of interest in your mind and we can connect so. A stranger is but a friend you have yet to meet. Best wishes!
Enthusiastically motivated,
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Juan R.
Name: Juan
Race: Hispanic
D.O.B.: 1984
Incarcerated since: 2003
Home Town: Donna, Texas, USA
Height: 5’8
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Status: Single
Hello, my name is Juan. I was sentenced to death in 2004 by the State of Texas and shortly there after I arrived on the infamous Texas Death Row.
I’m confined in a cage almost daily with little to nothing to do. In the days ahead, as I struggle to fight for my life. I know having someone to wrote- a someone willing to befriend and walk along beside me, can help easy my loneliness;
and perhaps bring the sunshine again into my life, giving hope that a better future exists.
If this person is you please feel free to write me and give us the chance to become friends.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Roderick H.
First off peace and blessings to whom it may concern. My name is Roderick H. but all my friends call me D-BO, I am 36 about to be 37 on June 12. I have been on Texas Death Row for almost ten years now. These are some of the things that I do to pass my time here. I like to write rap songs, draw, workout when I go to rec and read all kinds of different books. I am 6´4 245 lbs and dark skin. I have to kids out there in the world that I truly love, and one thing about me is that I´m very loyal to those that I care for or about. I am looking for some friends or a girlfriend to pass my time with an build on something special. If you are willing to take this journey with me then hop in this big body and ride out with me…..
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Letzte Aktualisierung: April 2021
Milton G.
My name is Milton. I’m 48 – years old African-American. I like sports, boxing, football, track, and basketball. I’ve learn, “You do not really lose when you fight for what you believe in, you lose when you fail to fight for what you care about”,
This is what I care about:
1: Friendship
2: Knowledge
3: Wisdom
4: Understanding
5: Love
6: Building a strong relationship
I’m interested in meeting a women who is willing to step into my storm of life and who is willing to show me grace, mercy and build with me a strong friendship for life. I’m willing to do the same. Go to www.jpay.com to reach me faster in an email.
Kind regards
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Tony F.
FREEDOM. That is something that I am currently denied, but FREEDOM is something that I am allowed to experience anytime that someone who writes to me shares their life and experiences with me. Such sharing allows for me to `live` beyond these walls which have kept me imprisoned on Texas Death Row since 1993. Before I was imprisoned, my mother, sister and I lived in Kitzengen, Germany; and this was another sort of FREEDOM That I was able to experience, as Germany and german people was so hospitable and warm to me and my family for the duration that we lived there. I am open to, and welcome anyone who wished to write to me. No matter race, religion, politics or sexuality. I am an avid reader, who enjoys art, music [especially heavy metal, industrial metal, my favorite bands being Motorhead, Ministry, Lamb of God, Godflesh, HateBreed, Slayer, Testament and Rahmstein]; doing Ashtanga Yoga, boxing and exercising. I appreciate the men and women who invest the time and energy into sculpting their bodies through body building. The death penalty and it´s abolition is ofcourse important to me and I try and stay as active as I can back here in support of such efforts, and I welcome anyone to write me who likewise hast such a passion in seeing the abolition of the death penalty or who is active in anything that they feel passionately about in bring about positive social change.
FREEDOM. All of the things that I have listed about me brings me varying degrees of FREEDOM. I look forward to hearing from anyone who wishes to allow to me to experience just that bit more of FREEDOM through their lives and experiences. And hopefully, one day in the near future. We will be able to experience FREEDOM together. –Thank you for reading this.
Always, In Strength and In Spirit!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: September 2021
Arthur Brown Jr. wurde am 9. März 2023 durch den US-Bundesstaat Texas hingerichtet. Wir belassen sein Brieffreundschaftsgesuch quasi als Nachruf hier auf der Website. Rest in peace, Arthur!
Arthur B.
My daily interest are many different forms of literature (reading books); physical exercise; listening to diverse radio programs for educational purposes, and keeping up with global events. The sex/race/religion nor age of pen pal matters.
Although, it would be ideal if you are willing and able to send books.
I have also learned to enjoy creating art, during my confinement.
Best regards, Arthur
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2021
Gerald M.
I´m looking for a friend.
Pen friendships have sustained me emotionally and physically for the las 18 years! I did not grow up around my family. So my time on Death Row was a sad experience had it not been for people giving me a chance to be their friends.
I´m looking for a friend. I´m an artist & an author, I study business. I love entrepeneurship. I enjoy Movies, classical Music, Rock and Hip Hop. I´m open to learning new things.
I´m looking for a friend who is looking for life long friendship. If that person is you, please contact me.
God bless,
Gerald M.
PS: If you like to can contact me on jpay.com. Leave an address.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: April 2022
Perry W.
My name is Perry E. W. and I’m 41 years old. I am a vivid lover of music, reading and sports. I am an aspiring writer, and I don’t wish to experience life in measured dosages. In a world of so many, I’ve never given up on the idea that trust and true friendship can be life sustaining. My present incarceration causes me a limitation in having access to that, as well as uplifting and inspirational dialogue. Don’t allow the chance of communication to elude us…If your interested in genuine, compassionate, honest and open-minded bond and space, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Sincerely, Perry
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Humberto G.
Hello! My name is Humberto. I’m 49 years old Mexican/American in Texas death row in the USA. I’m trying to reach out to make some friends.
I’m a straight forward and honest guy with a great sense of humor. I’m locked up in a cell here in solitary confinement 22 hours a day and sometimes all 24 hours a day. I’m very limited in what I can do here and with what I can have. I read a lot. It helps to escape this place mentally with a good book. I tend to read a little bit of everything and I’m open for any topic of conversation. I also like to listen to music and I also exercise. There is not much to do here so the melancholy can be hard to break at times. It would be extremely nice to make some good friends to experience life with and to share some laughs.
My contact information is listed below. If you happen to be reading this and decide not to contact me, I would still greatly appreciate it if you could sing my on-line petition. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2023
Mark G.
My name is Mark G. and I’m new here to texas death row.
I’m 46 years old, I’m an airplane-mechanic, and truck driver.
I like airplanes, big rigs, muscle cars, muscle trucks, boats, and motorcycles.
I like to travel, theme and waterparks, camping w/boating, movies, and restaurants.
Female only, 23 yrs old, or older will be just fine.
Thank you
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Letzte Aktualisierung: März 2018
Ker’Sean R.
„How would your life be different if…you stopped allowing other people to dilute/poison your day with their words/opinions?
Let today be the day…you stand strong in the truth of your beauty + journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others.“ – Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and being Free
We’re all searching for something, whether it’s God, Love, our purpose in life, or our identity as individuals. I’m searching for open-minded people who are willing to build a real, lasting friendship in which we nurture + feed each others mind + spirit. I want to get to know the real you. I Say the real you because a lot of us have been conditioned by society to suppress certain aspects of our character. After so long we’ve created this image that’s socially acceptable, but not a full, realistic depiction of ourselves. Try never to become a slave to someone elses opinion of you. If a woman does something a man does, she’s looked down upon. They say that’s not „normal“. What’s not normal is allowing someone else to determine what’s normal for you. I enjoy reading (to learn), poetry, playing chess, meditating, & building reel friendships with real people. If that’s you (male/female), write me.
„Until you are content with who you are, be careful not to become whom you’re perceived to be.“
Stay Focused, Push, + Believe
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Walter S.
My name is Walter. I am looking for friend to write to. I am 42 years olds 5.10. tall 190. Lb., hair black eyes brown. Bilingual with a good sense of humor, athletic body and devoted friend.
My most marked characteristic; self-confident, leader, persistent, generosity, extremely direct 4/honest, self-discipline and an innovated mind.
My hobbies are intensive workout regimen, I like to write, to read, write songs or poetry. In addition, I like to listen to music and enjoy painting.
I am offer to offer to you the following benefits; devoted and loyalty friend special for you; personal advisor pertaining to any subject. I wish to share with your innovative ideas based on common and extensive experiences of my life. I offer to you emotional and spiritual support if you are fragile psychologically conditioned at the time. I offer to be your personal trainer that includes – the real tips tricks to help you shed weight fast at any age and the most effective diets.
Note, specifically I am looking for friends with singular or same mark characteristics, of my profile, if you failed to meet one of such characteristics, please do not write to me – Hahaha…is a joke.
I´m looking for sincere friendship with nature woman with naturel breast & butt augmentation…ha…ha…
I prefer to write with woman only. Age no matter. You can write me in English or Spanish, you can send me an email via jpay. Just visit www.jpay.com. I hope to hear from someone very soon. God bless everybody.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Steven L.
Hello Hello from Texas; Thoughts I will write to you and see if you could help me getting a Pen Pal (again) 🙂
I don’t have one own there and as a matter of fact i have seen mislead from a Bonus Pen-Pal, who played a really Bad Trick on me who claimed to be a honest carrying person who wanted to get to know me but when I did write back to her the letters came back return to sender but anyhow I have no Pen – Pal over and honestly never have! Can you please tell me why? Thank you for your help and much luck and God Bless you and your family
Take care Steven
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Letzte Aktualisierung: März 2018
Kerry A.
Are you someone that likes good conversation and have wanted to meet and correspond with someone you feel comfortable with? Can you be opened to writing a person who is in prison on death row who really needs a friend in his life?
I am guilty of alot of things but being a murderer is not one of them. And I would really like to meet someone who wants to know the real person I am and not the person I was accused of being by this State.
Let us share our interests, and view points, and culture; can we began a friendship journey to see what we have in common.
The only thing what is keeping this friendship from happening is you, and I hope tha you will not make me wait a long time to hear from you.
You can email me by www.jpay.com, but I cannot reply back by email because this is a State run email service and I have no access to computers to reply. I still have to respond by snail mail. Be sure to put your mailing address on the email.
Thank you.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Demetrius S.
„Greetings To My Potential Friend! *SMILE* ☺
My name ist Demetrius. Its nice to meet you!“
Im a Texas Death Row Prisoner, looking for a lasting friendship to get me through hard times. If you befriend me, I promise to have honesty and be non-Judgemental. I believe we are all equal human beings in this world. I´ll be someone you could come to for comfort, eyes you could look into and trust. We can understand each others heart, and have a shoulder to lean and cry on. I would always be just one quick letter away.
A few hobbies I enjoy doing here is reading, writing, drawing, painting, playing Dominoes and chess. Im very adventurous and love nature. I love to enjoy the sun shining, and the smell of the fresh air… when I go outside to play Basketball. I also love animals… I grew up always having a dog as a pet.
You would be pleased to get to know me from the inside out, not judging a book by its cover. Im someone you can trust and you´ll always get treated kindly. Everyone deserves someone they can count on, and that would put a smile on their face. I will not fail being the best friend I can be to you.
I now can´t wait to receive a letter from you and start an amazing friendship with you. I leave you with peace, love and respect.
Thanks for reading my profile.
Sincerely Yours
Mr. Demetrius
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Tyrone W.
I seed not a hug but rather a proverbial hand to shake, but wait, where are my manners?!
I´m Tyrone, nice to meet you, but way of your time-shared reading a few steps into my icebreaking personality, one I´m sure you´ll find approving!
I´ve been at this fancy facility since November of 2021. I feel empathy over sympathy warms the welcoming towards the beginnings of our boundless friendship.
Strong-minded, religious, heart-on-sleeve, reserve, shy, tech savvy and/or loquacious personalities are all very much sought after writers. You tend to possess awesome dynamic view´s I would both love to learn from and brainstorm with. Since single twigs may break, and bundles are stronger, let´s plant a forest my friend.
Tell me, how can you know, if you never stop, look around that corner and learn about me, for yourself?! Chance more than a glance, I´ll give you a heads up, and still surprise you.
Please note, the speed of time itself, is locked in, similar to myself, though I possess a constant, I improve at great speeds. And please, overseas writers are quite welcomed!
Take care to return and respond, chat later?!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Oktober 2023
Brandon Daniel ist am 30. Oktober 2021 tot in seiner Zelle im Todestrakt von Texas aufgefunden worden. Ein halbes Jahr zuvor erst hatte er uns ein Update seines Brieffreundschaftsgesuches geschickt, das wir als Nachruf hier stehen lassen. Auch hat er uns im Rahmen einer Buchaktion gerade das Formular mit seinem Buchwunsch geschickt, den wir ihm nun leider nicht mehr erfüllen können. Unser Mitgefühl gilt seinen Angehörigen und Freunden.
Brandon D.
My name is Brandon. I’m 33 years old, 5’9’’, 150lbs., with dark hair and eyes. On the outside, I was an engineer, so I’m into science and technology, but I have lots of different interests. I used to spend my days riding motorcycles, playing video games, and watching movies. I really miss being out under the night sky, and I always try to catch the full moon when it crosses my cell window. I believe the world is going through a profound change right now, and I’m hoping that we can all make it better than before. My small contribution, is to help spread a message of love, however I can. Although I may be trapped in a cell, I remain full of hope for the future. These days, I spend my time exercising, meditating, and being an activist. You can read more about me at supportbrandon… I look forward to hearing from you.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Ronald H.
To who this may concern?
My name is Ronald H. I’m a inmate on texas death row. I just hope that you all can find me someone that is open minded and have the time to write someone in my situation.
This ordeal is not one to be took lightly and I hope the person that you put me in touch with understand the hardship we have to endure.
If your eyes are beholding the words I’m about to speak, if you don’t mind, may I ask you to clear your thoughts and enter this letter world of mine. As I begin to share the past of my life with you all. But before I move on, I hope and pray, that the reader’s of this are blessed with the best of health and the highest of spirit! Now that we have all of that out of the way (SMILE) please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ronald H. Jr. I’m from Houston, Texas born & raised. I’m a black male, six foot tall 200 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. I enjoy football, boxing and I love to workout. I also have three kids, one girl and two boys. Anyway, I’m always looking for someone to write with an open mind and a sence of humor to be a good friend.
Someone to talk to and that can help me through this hard time in my life. Thank you all very kindly for your time. May God bless the reader’s of this with the best of blessing…
Truly yours
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Pete R.
Hello World!
How are you today?
My name is Pete Russell, and I’m in search of a pen pal who would not mind writing and developing a friendship. I love to write letters and meet new people, and I really hope we can connect and become great friends.
About Me: I ‚am 50 years young, African American male, born in Houston Texas. I stand 6’5…I ‚am currently incarcerated on Texas Death Row at the infamous Polunsky unit, where I have witness 100 executions meaning men led away in chains or drugged away against their will.
My Hobbies: I like to pass time by reading books on business and history books about people and places. I try to learn much as I can. I also meditate and chant to maintain a peace of mind.
If you would like to become my friend you can contact me by setting up a E-Message: www.securustech.net, or snail mail…
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2023
Charles R.
Halito, my name is Charles, and I am a Texas Death Row inmate, wrongfully convicted for the past 28 years. I am writing in hopes that someone out there may be interested in a new Friendship. I´d love to get to know more about you, and becoma real part of each other´s lives. Here´s a little about me:
I´m a 51 years old, a native born Texan from Houston. I´m in love with nature, country life, animals of all kinds, but especially horses and dogs, and I love to learn! As a child I hated school. but now I can´t seem to get enough of it! I´ll read anything, but especially like to read about Native American history, and about law and DNA, because DNA evidence in my case has already proven my innocence in my continued fight for a new trial.
Lately, I´ve been reading about my family history and the culture of my heritage, the Choctaw people. For the past year or so, I´ve been teaching myself the Chahta language, which isn´t easy, but it is a labor of love; I so deeply enjoy it! My other interests include classic rock, country, and blues music, and exercise is my Prozac; it helps to keep up the walls from closing in on me! I am in a cell 22 hours a day for 5 days a week, and 24 hours the other days. So yea, I do what it takes to keep my mind and body strong, in hopes of getting my life back. In a world as bleak as this, hopes dies last.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about me, and I´d love to learn more about you too! I love people of all races, ages and creeds, and hope you´ll consider taking the oppurtunity for us to become true Friends, female or male.
If you are interested in learning more about me before you write, I have a website, … There is a ton of information on that as well as art work. feel free to read it if you like, but please understand you do not have to get involved in any of that. It is not a requirement to write me. It is just something I have put together to make people better informed. But there is a ton of information on there.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Wählen Sie einen Namen aus und lesen Sie das Brieffreundschaftsgesuch…
Weitere Inserate unterhalb dieser Notiz!
Terence Andrus hat sich unseren Informationen nach am 21. Januar 2023 im Todestrakt von Texas das Leben genommen. Sein Brieffreundschaftsgesuch lassen wir als Nachruf hier stehen. Unser Mitgefühl gilt seinen Angehörigen und Freunden.
Terence A.
Hello from the other side. The ‚other side‘ is the Polunsky Unit where Texas has ist death row. This is a place of darkness where light, somehow, continues to shine. The light is hope – and hope is where you come in. I’m looking for someone who can send and receive some warmth through smiles, laughs, and shared insights. I’m looking for a TRUE FRIEND – a wise person who will exchange experiences and help me get a better grip on the past, present and future. Nothing superficial, nothing short-lived. Hoping for someone who likes to play with words but not play around with feelings.
I am about to turn 30. I have been here for 10 long years. I want someone who can help me grow – not just old up. During my time here, I have grown to love the arts. Poetry is my first love, then music, then writing, listening and conversing.
I am hoping for someone older and wiser who can guide and support me while sharing laughs and acts of kindness to make some sense out of the senseless.
If you are serious about this, please write me through a jpay account. Be sure to send your mailing address in your message so I know where to write back.
Will you help the child still alive in me who wants to help light up a path for those coming up after so they can write a different life story?
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2018
Cortne R.
Revolutionary resistors to oppression needed. You do not have to be tough. You do not have to be rough. The revolution of a seed is the blossoming of flower pedals. And in small ways it is that easy. Abolition even, can be a succession of reforms. Don´t be afraid of my militant words. (You think militant is a tough word?… try understanding the militance of love). I am specifically in want of computer software program developers. No I don´t want you to be an uptight clean cut worker for google or microsoft. I want you to be Revolutionary, Abolitionist and Militant. I need your perspective. The fight against electronic prison (E-carceration) is real. Even you all are prisoners in this new age cage. Don´t believe me?…then just call me now and we can talk about it. Oh that´s right, you can´t. Reaching your comrades and loved ones is an obstacle and you did nothing wrong. So even if you are not a software program developer, be willing to find me one. Our arguments in legal court, and the court of public opinion, lack the professional touch. I am the only one, at the time of this call for help, organizing in this goal. Friendship is welcome. A true friend would find me a program developer. I prefer you emessage me on my securus tablet. Register at securustech.net. For help, you can contact Securus on Facebook or call them at 927-734-1111 (U.S. number). If you prefer snail mail, PLEASE write my name and number very clearly in big block letters. Peace.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2023
Elijah J.
Hi, my name is Elijah (but family and friends call me Tee) and I`ll be 42 yrs old here in a few months. (July 3rd) I`m currently on Texas Death Row and this is where I`ve been for the last 16 yrs fighting for my life and my freedom. But with faith and strenght I`ve continued to push forward and never give up because I knew God was with me and he have a plan for me. (I´m in a wonderful position with case, things are definitely looking good and in my favor. All Praises and Thank You´s goes to God.) I´ve fought and overcome alot of things in my life that were road blocks, pitfalls, or even disstractions that kept me blind to reality of life. I´ve battled Loneliness, Abandonment, Anger, Frustration, and the mental distress that comes with being isolated in a cell 22 hours a day. But I had to let all that go and begin another journey and path, and that was to start loving me and surrounding myself with people who want to be a friend and in my life. So now at 41 yrs old I´m just enjoy life and each day I get to see another year, and I´m more than joyful when I can meet someone as a friend and we can share each other´s world. My whole purpose placing an Ad on this site is to meet some new people, and if our energy, vibes, and spirits connects hopefully we can become friends.
I´m not in this for romance because most people are just looking to be a friend, and me myself, I enjoy being a friend. But I´m not gonna completely shut the door on „LOVE“ because there is no where we can hide when the universe send love our way and love calls our name. But Love and Romance isn´t what I´m seeking at this moment. I´m only interesting in friendship, and I´m seeking mature individuals who are in the age group of 35 and older, who are settled down, stable, and will have time to invest in a friendship. I would to laugh, joke, and talk about serious things thats going on in the world. I have a big sense of humor so that means you´ll never receive a dull or boring letter from me. I can also hold a good and interesting conversation, and I love and enjoy being pushed mentally and intellectually.
I´m very open minded, so I´m always open to hear other people´s views, opinions, and beliefs. Well I love to read, write letters, poems, and even write a little music from time to time. I also play scrabble and chess, thats pretty much how I use my time each day. So if you´re interested in writing someone with these type of qualities, here I am. Look no further, I´m only one letter away. If you want to start an new friendship write me!
Please contact me !
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Armando L.
Just giving a small introduction of myself currently on death row awaiting my appeals. But I am searching for some one to write and hopefully be able to build a friendship with a strong bond, I am a religious person Catholic.There are other hobbies I have I am a grate artist love reading book just really looking for some one to past my time making my life a little better in this place. If you would like to know me better please drop me a line Thank you for your time God bless !
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Gabriel H.
Hello, potential friend!
My name is Gabriel, an I was born in 2/18/1993 in the Philippines. I´m interested in developing friendships with sensible, knowledgeable, and open-minded people across the globe. Feel free to discuss any subject with me as long as I´m knowledgeable about it, and we can even learn anything about each other. Well, hopefully all is well with you, and I look forward to our future friendships…
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Januar 2023
Jeff W.
Greetings I come to you all in hopes of finding People who love to write and Recieve letters from Someone instead of bills or Junkmail. I am a Man who listens, cares and gives his best advice or opinions without Judging, And ya’ll women know that is a Rare thing in Life Now. I Ask for ya’ll to give me a chance to get to know me for my words – Actions toward you instead of the haters and what the Corrupt Justice systems say. If ya one lonely, bored, want to vent and feel like noone cares then write to me Cause I do Care. We all need Someone in Life to talk to but People need to go outside there Comfortzone so they Can learn new things, or what our heart, mind and Soul Seek in Life i am Just a letter away I leave as i come with the utmost Respect.
Ps TX loves to hold mail so give time, the Best way is to go to J-Pay letter website its quick.
thank you
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
James B.
Hi…I hope this greeting, and letter of intention, finds you in the absolute best of health and spirits. My name is James, and through the assistance oft he GCADP, I hope that you allow me to take up a few minutes of your time.
What I´ve realized with the condition of living on death row is that it brings about a sort of hyper- awareness…You know, the potential and possibility of what „could be“ if you`re not vigilant…and for far too many over the years of living here, what has happened to the unfortunate. With this reality, and the constant question that outlines our mortality , there´s a need that comes in wanting to be heard. Simply needing an understanding ear and trying to avoid the pressure of leaving nothing unsaid. Hopefully we´ll have the opportunity to share our worlds, in time, but because I lack the space here, I want to define my request in a word…
„Oneness“. The empathy, support, compassion, and acceptance of a tribe. Love. Especially to the effect of living in a vacuum. Having that connection to the outside world is possibly the most basic way to remain conscious of your humanity. At the moment, I´m in a strange space with the courts. The unfamiliar space of preparing to go to the highest court in the United States and possibly exhausting your appeals. So, simply saying that I need solid friendships would be an extreme understatement. Somehow, that seems to leave too much on the table. I´m looking to correspond and build with people that will sincerely be committed to being a staple in my life… In essence , someone I can come to know as a brother or sister.
At this phase of my life I am concerned with expansion. To date, I am a 32 year old artist who can remember being a 10 year old artist and who dreams and expects to be an 80 year old artist. I am confined, but not bound. I believe in the idea of freedom. I am Black, and tend to be an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty and drive. I am still human and only labled a prisoner because of my past mistakes. I enyou reading, writing, learning and meeting new people. It would be nothing short of a benefit to be able to share and open my world to this chance and opportunity of building with you. In the interim – from my hand to Gods eyes – I hope this has the capacity to find you with an open mind and heart. Peace, love and light. I´ll leave you with this..
I don`t need love, I need loyalty…
I don`t need admiration, I need respect…
I don`t need fame, I need success …
I don`t need followers, I need believers…
I don`t need help, I need opportunity…
- Anonymus
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Tony M.
I´ve been wrestling with several questions for a week or more now. I´ve turned them this way and that way in my head. Upside down, rightside up. From The front, from the back. Despite all of that, I can´t seem to find a answer. Chief among the questions I can´t seem to get a handle on is; „What can I write in my ad to attract peoples attention?“ and „What can I say to make someone think, ´Wow! I want to get to know THAT guy?´“ There are soo many ads out there from guys looking for friends I don´t want to get lost in the pile. How can I be different?
I guess I should ofcourse start with my name! ☺ Hello, my name is Tony, I am 46 years old and have been on Texas Death row since I was 21. Some days it doesn´t seem like it´s been that long, somedays it feels like the years have dragged by like a glacier melting… Have you ever felt like you´ve spent years and years of your life searching for something but aren´t sure what? I´m sorry, I am rambling. I feel like I have taken up too much space JUST rambling, though if you choose to write me, you´ll see I do that alot. Ramble that is.
I am looking to write someone 35 or older who wants to make a connection to build a long-term friendship. I want to write someone who is serious about writting, and not into playing games. In return, they will get someone who believes in being upfront, who is a good listener, and feels that respect and honesty are the foundation of ANY relationship. I am looking for someone who will open their worlds to me and is willing to share their lives with letters and photos, and ofcourse who wont laugh at my bad attemps at Yoga! I am NOT great at being funny, but I can give you my time, my attention, and my promise to answer any questions you have about me.
If you are someone that appreciates honesty and loyalty, If something I have said has managed to catch your attention and made you think I might be someone you would like to write – I hope you will give me a chance.
Thank You – TONY
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Charles M.
My name is Charles M., i am 46 years old and have been on Texas DR since Nov. 1999. I am looking to befriend those who want to be befriended. Some thing that is genuine an based on longevity. I can not make many promises but i will always be sincere, honest, and veracious. I have exhausted all of my appeals, and i would like ´you all´ to get to understand my case/situation better. Go to: Walk In Those Shoes.
I am a published author, and i also write short stories, articles, and am involved deeply with poetry. I enjoy meeting people of all ages, genders, and walks of life. And i hope to be able to meet you.
I know that the current times is crazy, as people are still recovering from this pandemic, so i do hope you all are well and healthy. Remain safe. My only criteria: is to be given a chance to become your friend.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
David L. Carpenter ist am 18. Juni 2021 in einem Gefängniskrankenhaus in Texas eines natürlichen Todes gestorben. Gerade erst hatte er uns ein Update seines Brieffreundschaftsgesuches geschickt, das wir vorerst als Nachruf hier stehen lassen. Unser Mitgefühl gilt seinen Angehörigen und Freunden.
David C.
I was born in Dallas. Texas and I have one sibling (a younger Brother) My mother is still alive, But I lost my father in 2010. I haven’t seen my mother in over a year due to this Pandemic. But I hope that will change now. I didn’t graduate High School, But I enstead got a GED in 1988. I wanted to go to work in stead of continue with school.
I was arrested in 1995 for a parole violation, and then while in prison I was accused of this crime. I have four daughters. I know that on my last ad I had put two. But that was cause I didn’t know about one of them until 2009. And I was really happy to get to know her in the past few years. I never married their mother’s though I was going to. They just never seemed to stick around while I was in jail. I was sent back to the county jail and went to trial and found guilty of this crime and sent to Death Row.
I am an easy going man I like to laugh and have fun. I enjoy making others laugh too. I like to learn about thins about people and places. I am very friendly and forgiving person. and can be a good friend, given the opportunity. I don’t have any skeletons in my closet. 😀 So if you have any questions, Feel free to ask me.
HOBBIES: I like to read books, write letters, listen to the radio and meet new People. We don’t habe televisions in Death Row, So there isn’t really anything exciting to do with our time. My letters are the most important things in my life in this place of darkness and despair, It brightens our days a little.
When I was free I enhoyed many thins. I liked to work on automobiles play billiards, ride horses and help others. I enjoyed my job and I enjoyed being around the house playing with my daughters. I love going fishing and camping. Me and my father use to do this all the time together. That is it for this letter. Thank you for reading, And I hope to receive a letter from you/someone soon. Cause the only thing missing in my life right now is YOU. (smile)
Sincerely Yours
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Dexter J.
Dear potential friend,
I am looking for a true friend. A friend who understands the seriousness of my situation and who shares the same concept as myself … which are loyalty, honesty, respect and appreciation.
I’ve been on death row since the age of 19 because of lies told against me, lies that have caused many to judge and dismiss me before ever getting to know me! I’m in a constant fight, not just for my life, but for my sanity as well! To best cope (?), I think of my beautiful angel daughter (who’s the light of my life), I like to follow sports, read, daydream, and hopefully I’ll soon, be able to say writing to you!
If you are looking to build a special bond I would love to hear from you so we can blossom and bloom a cherished friendship!
Faithfully yours,
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Perry A.
I am a 61 year old Japanese / American male, military brat, and Army veteran, currently on Texas Death Row. I am only interested in a friendly, platonic relationship, and am open to corresponding with anyone, male or female, of anyone over the age of 18 years of age, of any race, any religion, any sexual orientation or sexual identity. I am very open-minded, and non-judgemental. I love meeting new people, and learning about different cultures and customs. I love reading on a wide range of topics, and like to talk politics and social issues. No topic is tabou. My only dislike is mean, hateful people, hateful rhetoric, an green peas.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Steven Nelson wurde am 5. Februar 2025 durch den US-Bundesstaat Texas hingerichtet – seine Anzeige für eine Brieffreundschaft lassen wir als Nachruf hier stehen.
Steven N.
I’m here with you now and willing to try to become a better person by allowing different people in my life. Im not expecting perfection, just a unlimited level of understanding. You know lets talk, listen, grow, smile and laugh. It’s crazy how that dont even seem normal. I would like to become friends with a person thats open- minded and willing.
i aint perfect and have been down enough time to say that, my value of friendship is above normal. I only want to be what I’m allowed. It would be cool to have someone to talk to about whatever crosses the mind and to have a sign to let me know that I was in their mind.
It’s only so much, drawing, writing, thinking, working-out and mentally fighting, I could do until I start to question myself. No matter what I face, I still have my reason to stand I’m one of the most strongest people you’ll cross. I don’t make many promises, but that one i will never be able to break mentally. I want to go places, set my heart and let my mind feast.
Here I am hoping that you could feel me and understand. I was wondering if you are willing to let me tell you all that comes to me, home I cant take it and when I’m in my silly mode with a smile.
Fairly I will consider and patiently I’ll wait…
Thank you for your time….Peace
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Letzte Aktualisierung: August 2021
Demond B.
I believe in the discovery of who we are. Not just what we find when we mix one unique personalities but also who we are as an individual.
My interest is people. Ive found such a connection to the world through correspondence. Experiencing the world through the eyes of another, sharing in triumphs. I want to be a ear when you need someone to hear you. A voice when you need comfort and advice. My qualifications…life experiences! (smile) Besides that, I went to university for over 4 years, my studies focusing on the field of psychology. Sometimes we dont recognize one qualities, what we are capable of till someone helps us see it.
In this now my hobbies are reading, listening to a variety of music, writing poems and drawing. Im not very good at drawing but Im thinking its like riding a bicycle and Ill get better in time. (I hope!) I enjoy exercising and Im borderline vegetarian.
In my experience, its not so much as what Im looking for in a relationship but what we find. Lasting friendships, romance? Im open to both but for it to be real its something we have to grow into. This for the ladies!
While writing women is a beautiful thing!(smile), Ive also made great friendships with other guys so please feel free to write. Im made more whole by the people I interact with. Thank you for helping me be a better me – to those who write. In turn, I hope I can help you be a better you. till then…Demond
P.S. Please respond through JPay.com youll need to include your address…And it would be nice of you to include a photo.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Dillion C.
Wie geht´s? My name is Dillion, and I´m 26 years old. The German coalition to Abolish the death penalty as a platform warmed my heart. To think that an ocean away – in Germany – people stand in solidarity with those of us on Texas´ Death Row is amazing. I would like to write a person who is conscious of the importance of human life; someone who can possibly still see the value of my life. I care about getting to know someone who wont mind sharing their life and views with me. Although I was born and raised in America, I have an appreciation for many of Germany´s social and political advancements over the past 20 years. Hopefully this introduction will lead to a meaningful friendship! A person´s age and gender does not concern me for building a friendship – I care about personality more than age or gender. So, if you care to write, send me your name and return address and I will write back.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
George C.
My name is George and I m 52 years old. I arrived on death row March 9, 2014. In the eyes of my fellow prisoners, I am considered new to death row.
I spend most of my time reading, exercising and doing crossword puzzles. Also I meditate daily because I find peace in the stillness.
My interests are in philosophy, history, classic literature and the belief systems/religions of people around the world.
I am a positive person who believes that positive people attract positive people. Although I am in arguably one of the worst situations imaginable, I strive to be of service to others by sharing with them what I learn through constant study, along with my life experiences, and hopefully, I can help them overcome obstacles and avoid the mistakes that I have made.
I am looking to develop a friendship with a male or female who would be excited about writing and sharing their views on our similar interests.
Sincerely, George
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Franklin D.
I am a educated man that is seeking great conversation and friendship. I am a 39-year-old Texas Death Row hostage. Are you looking for a one of a kind friendship? That´s exactly what we have the potential to be. If we allow to happen, anyone newly met can but over night become a central figure in our lives. Hardly less essential to us than air and water. The evidence proves that this world was created to inspire love, kindness and friendship. I enjoy just about anything educational, getting to know and understand different cultures. I´m all about building a better me, writing poetry, novels and reading. Feel free to ask any questions. I´m an open book although some chapters I don´t really open up and read.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
Howard L.
Good day to you and hope all is well with you. My name is Howard and I am new here on TX Death Row and I would like a pen friend. First let me tell you about myself. I am fifty years old and I am from the caribbean. I am 6 feet tall ad love sports. I love music and movie and travelling. I also enjoy riding motorcycle. I have a great sense of humor and like to laugh. I like to have good conversations and like to meet people.
The person I would like to have as pen friend should have great sense of humor and like to have fun. Should like to meet people and have good conversations and be silly sometimes. Must be caring and appreciate been care for. They don’t have to like all the things I like but it would be nice to have something in common.
I’m interested in what’s on the inside of my pen friend and not whats on the outside. Just be real, that all and we good. Thank you and looking forward to talking soon.
Sincerely Howard
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Dezember 2020
Juan A.
Hello to everybody!
My name is Juan, I’m 44 years old.
I’ve been on Death Row since 1999, no children, never married. Like everything in life, there have been good and bad times but, at the end of the day, it’s all about making the best of each and everyday.
I like to exercise and read. I like to listen to music and stories on the radio. In this place the radio is like a window to the world we never get to see. I enjoy walks on the recreation yard and feeling the sun on my skin.
I’m looking for honest friendship, I believe good friendship can be made through letters. Age and sex are only important if you’re a movie star, anyone who writes me will get a letter back. Thank you for reading this, stay positive and stay safe!
All the best wishes!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Gary D.G.
„Hi!“ My friends call me „Green”. I am Caucasian, age 58 years. I arrived on Texas’ Death Row July 03, 2019. I’m somewhat new here, but adjusting. I’m looking for a “PenPal(s)”. I want to correspond with someone on a regular basis. Maybe become a close friend and a part of their life. Someone to share common interests, point of view, and problems with. Preferably female. Age is not important. I’ve led a full and interesting life. I am a divorced father of a Girl (38) and 3 Boys (32 – 31 – 27). I love children and animals, especially dogs, horses, and “Bucking Bred” (rodeo) cattle. I come from a “Farm and Ranch” background. I am a “True” Texas Cowboy. In fact, I’ve raised, trained, and ridden “Ranch” and “Race” horses. I also had a “Weenie” dog too! I’ve been a “Rodeo” Bullfighter since the age of 14 years. Eventually, I became a ”Professional” P.R.C.A. Bullfighter. I’ve always been known as the “Pink Panther” in the “Rodeo” World. I possess a B.S. in Animal Science specializing on the Equine.
Looking forward to corresponding with you!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Allen B.
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my webpage. My name is Allen, but my friends call me Virginia here on the row.
I’ve been on Texas death row since 1998, and during this time I have changed too become a better person. I am also a man who takes full responsibility, that has caused me to be put here on death row. I know deep in my heart I am not the same man I was 23 years ago, but I wish to share with others how I changed.
I am willing to write anyone who is wish to write to me. Honestly I am looking for a very special lady to share my life with, and who is understanding that I’m a death row inmate looking for a better outcome in my situation.
When I came to death row 23 years go. I couldn’t really read and write very well, so this was a very hard and painful learning on my own a cell 22 hours a day. I am still learning to be a better reader and writer, so that I can have a strong communication through my letters to every person I write.
I have always felt that honestly is the key to any relationship. I also feel that you have to be honest with yourself, if you’re going to share life with another person. What you’re reading is my true self and I hope, that you’ll take the time to know me on a much deeper mental and spiritual level.
I was born on the 6th of March 1971 near the ocean in Norfolk, Virginia. I felt so much peace when I was near the ocean. I am divorced without any children in my life. I am sad that I missed out having children with someone special.
I am a spiritual person trying to get a better understanding why was I born. I am a big fan of reading graphic novels, which are known as comic books. I am also into learning more about my history, and about world history.
Thank you for allowing me to share a little about myself. I am looking for people or special lady, who will take this journey through life with me. You may write and ask me anything and you will always receive a honest answer away.
Look forward to building a strong friendship!
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Mai 2021
Teddrick B.
What´s up, how you doing? I hope these words reach you in balance with what matters to you as I introduce a part of me. Im out spoken and intune with the things that are going to continue my growth. I write music, poetry and my thoughts tto the best of my ability. I vaule health, knowledge, strength and friendship. I like to smile and be me at all times, im very communicative and understanding about things. I´ve been broken to the point of nothing, i´ve battled alot of the things that keep a person down and i´ve paid for alot in my 33 years. Yet, im still growing and becoming into a great man. I can still smile in this place where it gets dark like when you close your eyes. I spend my days, working out, reading, thinking, painting, writing, listening to music, looking at pictures or anything that allows me to do me and not affect the next person. I´ve delt with alot of the same issues we have all delt with, but I know how to put alot of the things that broke me emotionally ,into a healing process. With that said, I would just like to communicate with the same energy that keeps you strong. I hope we can build a solid friendship on wheels that never stop turning. Keep on pushing & always pure, speak your truth, or you´ll 4-ever be misunderstood. Stay healthy, PEACE.
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Letzte Aktualisierung: November 2021
Brandon M.
Hi! Im a happy positive guy who´s looking for someone to get to know and become good friends with. Whether it be sharing interests, likes, experiences and whatever else destiny might allow. I would like to build a strong connection with someone and see the world through eachothers eyes. I am willing to write anyone as long as they are serious about corresponding and becoming true friends.
My life has been far from easy but everything I have been through only makes me stronger as a person. I see life as a blessing and Im always grateful for the little things. I spend most of my days reading, working out, creating art, and I would love to spend time writing you letters. Life is a struggle and everyone needs a real friend, I would be thankful to have you in my life to correspond with.
I´m an easy going person who enjoys laughing and smiling when I can, will you join me?
I cant wait to hear from you! Stay safe and take care of yourself!
Sincerely, Brandon
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Letzte Aktualisierung: Juni 2021
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